Manjul Khattar

In the vibrant world of social media, Manjul Khattar, known by his handle @manjullll, has danced his way into the hearts of millions, captivating audiences with his energetic moves, charming smile, and creative content.

Beyond the screens and dance floors, Manjul’s influence has not only amassed a devoted following but has also established him as a prominent figure in the world of short-form video content.

This biography explores his early life, his remarkable career, his impact on social media, and the essence of his captivating journey.

Keep reading to find out more interesting things about Manjul and find out his career path and net worth.

Early Life:

Born on July 20, 1998, Manjul’s journey from a small town in India to becoming a TikTok sensation is a testament to his passion for dance, unwavering determination, and the ability to connect with a global audience.

Manjul Khattar’s story begins in the town of Gurugram, located in the state of Haryana, India.

Growing up in a close-knit family, Manjul discovered his love for dance at a young age. He was deeply influenced by Bollywood and aspired to make a name for himself in the world of entertainment.


Manjul’s journey to digital stardom began with his presence on TikTok.

His engaging content, characterized by high-energy dance routines set to popular songs, quickly gained traction. His exceptional dancing skills, charismatic expressions, and dedication to perfecting each move set him apart in the world of short-form content.

A pivotal moment in Manjul’s career was his rapid rise to fame on TikTok. His ability to connect with viewers through dance and entertainment earned him millions of followers.

He became a sought-after creator for collaborations and promotions, further solidifying his status as a TikTok maestro.

Social Media Influence:

Manjul’s presence on TikTok and other social media platforms is marked by his dancing prowess and his ability to bring joy to his audience.

His TikTok account boasts millions of followers, where he shares a blend of electrifying dance performances, lip-syncing videos, and entertaining challenges.

On platforms like Instagram, he offers a glimpse into his personal life, sharing moments with friends and fans.

Biography Summary:

Full Name: Manjul Khattar

Place of Birth: in the town of Gurugram, located in the state of Haryana, India.

Date of Birth: Born on July 20, 1998,

Career: Dancer, Social media influencer and entrepreneur

Net worth: ($1 million) in 2021.

Manjul Khattar Net Worth

Manjul Khattar has an estimated total Net Worth of Rs 7 Crores ($1 million) in 2021.

TikTok Handle and Content:

Manjul’s TikTok content revolves around showcasing his extraordinary dance skills. Whether he’s grooving to Bollywood beats or the latest international hits, his performances are marked by precision, energy, and an infectious enthusiasm.

His videos have made him a source of entertainment and inspiration for countless aspiring dancers. Reach him with this tiktok handle.

TikTok Handle: @manjullll


Manjul Khattar’s journey serves as a reminder of the boundless opportunities that exist in the digital age.

His talent, dedication, and ability to spread joy through dance have earned him a dedicated following and a prominent place in the world of short-form content.

As he continues to evolve and inspire, Manjul remains a symbol of the power of dance and entertainment in the ever-evolving landscape of social media.

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